International PhD Seminar in Environmental History – 12-13 June 2025

Opportunities for pursuing research in environmental history are expanding in the Netherlands and beyond. In the wake of accelerating climate change, many environmental historians are reflecting on how the environment changes their research practices and the implications of doing environmental historical research while inhabiting the era of climate change.

To further promote and facilitate dialogue within this growing field of research, the RIAS and the Dutch Environmental History Network (DEHN) are organizing an International PhD Seminar in Environmental History in Middelburg from 12-13 June 2025.


This two-day seminar has four objectives:

1) To provide a platform to discuss works in progress;

2) To connect junior and senior environmental history scholars with one another;

3) To facilitate an exchange of research traditions and methodologies;

4) To critically engage with current debates on issues like climate change and biodiversity.


We welcome proposals dealing with any timeframe or empirical focus engaging with environmental issues, especially in regard to the history of the United States. We also invite proposals that showcase in particular how engaging with the environment in historical research challenges and changes approaches to:

  • Place (e.g. definitions and boundaries of places in terms of landscape, ecosystems, or extractive geographies);
  • Scale (e.g. micro and macro histories, writing oceans, climatic regions, river systems into history but also bacteria, insects, and atoms);
  • Time (e.g. deep time, multiple temporalities, circular and rhythmic time);
  • Agency (e.g. who and what has agency beyond humans, what are the politics of agency


We welcome proposals for research papers (e.g., a dissertation chapter) or papers that give an overview of the PhD project. Participants will present their paper and contextualize it within their research project in 15 minutes. Each presentation will be followed by a group discussion of approximately 45 minutes, providing extensive opportunities for feedback.

Applicants are invited to submit their proposals, consisting of name, affiliation, starting year of the PhD, and a 300-word abstract, no later than 30 November 2024. Proposals should be sent to Participants will be expected to have a paper (approximately 5,000 words, excl. bibliography) ready for pre-circulation by 30 April 2025.

To support a culture of diversity and inclusion, we strongly encourage proposals from students that reflect the diversity of our field in terms of gender, ethnicity, and disability.

Attendance is free and the RIAS will provide accommodation and meals in Middelburg. Travel costs will not be reimbursed.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the workshop organizers at


About us:

The Dutch Environmental History Network (DEHN) aims to bring early career environmental historians working in the Netherlands and Flanders together. The network was founded by Marin Kuijt (UvA), Caroline Kreysel (VU), and Hannah de Korte (KU Leuven/Maastricht University) in 2023. They organize workshops, social events, and excursions for PhD and early career scholars.

The Roosevelt Institute for American Studies is a public archive, graduate school, and research institute devoted to the study of American history and transatlantic relations.