Since 2003, the Institute has organized regular seminars for doctoral students pursuing research in its areas of interest. The next seminar will take place in Middelburg on 6-8 December 2023. We kindly invite applications from current doctoral candidates whose research covers any aspect of American culture, media, society, politics, or foreign relations, current or historical.

We are particularly interested in studies in the following research areas:

  • U.S. in the world
  • Culture and ideology
  • Environmental issues
  • Race and gender studies
  • Social justice movements, civil and political rights

We welcome proposals for research papers (e.g., a dissertation chapter), or for papers that give an overview of the project in its entirety. Participants will present their paper and contextualize it within their research project in 15 minutes. Each presentation is followed by a group discussion of approximately 45 minutes, providing extensive opportunities for feedback.

Applicants are invited to submit their proposals, consisting of a 300-word abstract and a CV, no later than Friday, 29 September 2023. These should be addressed to the seminar coordinators, Manar Ellethy and Christine Mertens, and sent to

To support a culture of diversity and inclusion, we strongly encourage proposals from students that reflect the diversity of our field in terms of gender, ethnicity, and disability.

Participants will be expected to have a paper (approximately 6,000 words) ready for pre-circulation by Friday, 24 November 2023.

Accommodation and meals in Middelburg will be provided by the RIAS.

Click here for more information.