Library Internship

The Roosevelt Institute for American Studies offers internships (36 hours per week) for a period of three months, for a student in American studies, history, or international relations. Fluency in English is required and knowledge of Dutch is a plus.

The activities of the intern include: library duties, assisting the staff in the organization of conferences, editorial work, making archival materials accessible, the translation of documents, and secretarial assistance. The intern also has time for his/her own research alongside these tasks.

The RIAS offers an informative and dynamic work environment. A standard remuneration is available for the internship. Click here for more information.


RIAS Research Internship

The Roosevelt Institute for American Studies regularly offers academic internships. These internships are usually either research-based or project-focused. They are meant to help the students fulfill the requirements of their academic programs and are arranged on a case-by-case basis.

Academic research internships are open to students who are interested in combining a period of intensive research at the RIAS with the writing of their theses or research papers. These internships may involve the cataloging and digitization of specific RIAS records.

Project-focused internships require the students to help the RIAS staff manage a specific research project or organize a public event. In this case, duties may involve PR, online communication, and event participation.

The academic internship program is usually equivalent to 7.5 ECTS, but it can change depending on students’ academic programs’ requirements. For more information and expressions of interest, please contact us at

Check out what previous interns have to say about their time at the RIAS.