U.S. Congressional Record, 1899-1980

The U.S. Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings, debates and activities of the United States Congress. Since 1873, it has been published daily by the United States Government Printing Office, while Congress is in session. The U.S. Congressional Record consists of four sections: the section of the Senate, the section of the House of Representatives, the Extensions of Remarks, and, since the 1940s, the Daily Digest.
The RIAS provides access to a collection of the U.S. Congressional Record that ranges from 1899 to 1980. The period from 1899-1965 is available on microfilm, and from 1965-1980 on microfiche at the RIAS library. At the end of each session (covering two years), there is a special index reel listing names, subjects, and places.